at the lowest possible radiation dose
Cardiac Training on the latest equipment
HeartScan Institute was established to facilitate and promote education and training in all cardiovascular imaging, particularly CT Coronary angiography (CTCA) and cardiac MRI.
Teaching method
Although live cases are performed on Siemens equipment and analysed on the latest version of the Syngo Via Workstations, our teaching cases and faculty report cases from all vendors.
Heartscan Institute
Recognised CT courses (ANZCTCA Level A & US Level 2 SCCT)
International Faculty of Cardiologists & Radiologists
Siemens Dual Source CT Live Scanning
Education forum
Lowest possible radiation dose
Lowest dose to date = 0.19 mSv. That’s LESS dose than 2 Chest X-Rays!!! (this is patient-dependent). Some other scanners give 20 - 100 times this dose.
About Heartscan Institute
HeartScan Institute was established in 2011 to facilitate and promote education and training in all cardiovascular imaging particularly CT Coronary angiography (CTCA) and cardiac MRI.
We have a strong commitment to Cardiac Imaging Research and publications and co-sponsor a Research Fellow with The George Institute.

Comprehensive CTCA Training
Our team has been performing cardiac CT since 2004. Our aim is to provide comprehensive CTCA training by the best teachers on the latest equipment at the lowest possible radiation dose. Our courses are run by a clinical collaboration of highly experienced, well-published and enthusiastic cardiologists and radiologists, all ANZ Level B and / or SCCT level 3 accredited.
Our Initial Accreditation Course will enable attendees to achieve maximum allowable cases for ANZ level “A” accreditation and full case load for SCCT Level 2 accreditation. We also provide Refresher Courses, Live Case Mini-Fellowships and Radiographer courses. See Courses tab for more details.
Latest Equipment, Lowest Radiation Dose
Australia's FIRST dual source Siemens Definition Flash CT with stellar detectors. This allows most CT Coronary Angiograms to be performed at less than 1mSv radiation dose. Typical radiation dose is 4 – 40 times LESS than the dose of some other machines. Our lowest dose to-date for a diagnostic CTCA is the equivalent radiation dose of two chest x-rays!!!

What Attendees say ...